European Online-Dealermeeting 2021
This meeting was done via online asconsidering the situation which it is still difficult to meet in person. Tointeract more each other, the meeting was divided into smaller group and some dealerswhich have not yet participated will have another slots.
At the meeting, dealers fromvarious countries reported on market situation while Yasda did on market situationas well as technical updates. In addition, as a new challenge, we conducted anonline factory tour of our headquarters. Since last year any dealers could notcome to our factory since last year. This new challenge brought them virtuallyin our factory to experience the core and latest technology of YASDA’sproduction. All the participants seemly enjoyed the new experience, and feelthe technology even without being at site. All of us see it as the new way ofcustomer journey.
Compared to last year, each dealerhas become more active in their sales activities, and we heard many positivemarket reports. For example, sales in Italy are exceeding 2019 levels by governmentsubsidies and their vigorous sales activities. On the other hand, in somecountries, the market outlook is still uncertain. The impact of COVID stillleft in many areas.
We are looking forward to the daywhen we physically meet and talk. But this time we recognize that onlinemeetings also have their own advantages. Our goals are to support and empower ourpartners. So we will combine online and offline meetings to communicate moreclosely with dealers in each country and further support their activities inPost-COVID.